Poe Springs Park Closed

The Santa Fe River is currently experiencing a minor flood due to recent heavy rainfall. River levels at High Springs exceeded flood stage on Saturday August 5, 2018 and are expected to remain in that range through Saturday August 11, 2018.

In order to protect the safety of visitors, Poe Springs Park is closed for swimming and other water activities through the upcoming weekend. Signs are being posted at the spring, entrance to the boardwalk, and boat ramp notifying visitors that these areas are closed to boating and swimming. The upland areas of the park will remain open.

If the river levels continues to decline as projected, regular use of the spring should recommence on August 16, 2018.

For more information, contact Alachua County Parks and Conservation Lands Director Charlie Houder at 352-264-6804 or chouder@alachuacounty.us.

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