County Declares Local State of Emergency in Preparation for Hurricane Michael

The Alachua County Commission Chair Lee Pinkoson has declared a local state of emergency in preparation for the potential threat of Hurricane Michael. The Alachua County Emergency Operations Center is going to a Level 1 activation tomorrow morning (October 9, 2018). After the morning briefing, Alachua County will release information about any shelter openings, government and school closings, sandbag locations, and other necessary information. At this time, no definitive plans for these actions have been made.

While Hurricane Michael is not currently predicted to pass directly over Alachua County, it does have potential to cause widespread damage across the area. The County may also receive evacuees from other parts of the state.

View the local State of Emergency.

Florida Governor Rick Scott has added Alachua County to the list of Counties under the State Declaration of Emergency.

For more information, contact Alachua County Communications and Legislative Affairs Director Mark Sexton at 352-264-6979.

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