2018 Florida-Friendly Landscaping and Turf SWAP Tour

The UF/IFAS Extension Alachua County Office and Alachua County’s Environmental Protection Department are hosting the 2018 Florida-Friendly Landscaping and Turf SWAP Tour on Saturday, October 20, 2018, from 9 a.m. to noon. The self-guided tour begins at the Tioga Clubhouse (205 S 131st Street, Newberry). The tour is free, but pre-registration is recommended.

The tour is self-guided to yards around Town of Tioga and other nearby neighborhoods that participated in the County’s Turf SWAP program or became certified Florida-Friendly Landscapes. Participants visit with homeowners, Master Gardeners, and County staff to learn more about both programs.

Find out more about Florida-Friendly Landscaping.

Find out more about the Turf SWAP program.

Visit the 2018 Florida-Friendly Landscaping and Turf SWAP Tour Facebook Event.

Pre-registration by calling 352-337-6209 (voicemail).

For more information, call the UF/IFAS Extension Alachua County Office at 352-955-2402.

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