Six Total Positive COVID-19 Tests in Alachua County

​The Florida Department of Health in Alachua County confirms that there are six total positive COVID-19 cases in Alachua County. All are travel related. There is no confirmation of any community transmitted cases.  

There is confusion stemming from inaccurate information on the State DOH dashboard.  This is the best available information for Alachua County. One previously reported case has been removed due to an error on the DOH site.

Alachua County medical providers have been kept current on COVID-19 testing criteria, including the availability of commercial lab options. Individuals who have a primary care provider are encouraged to call their doctor prior to going to the doctor's office with an illness.

When calling your doctor's office, you should be prepared to tell them the reason for requesting a coronavirus (COVID-19) test. DO NOT expect to be tested if you do not meet the criteria.

Those with questions or concerns about COVID-19, including testing, should call the Alachua County Health Department’s call center at 352-334-8810. Operators are available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday (after hours call 352-334-7900). The County’s 311 hotline is also available to answer questions.

For current Coronavirus (COVID-19) information, visit the Alachua County Coronavirus website, the Alachua County Facebook page, call the Coronavirus Information Line at 866-779-6121, visit the Florida Department of Health website, and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)​.

For more information, contact Alachua County Communications Director Mark Sexton at 352-264-6979 or

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