The Alachua County Commission will conduct its virtual Regular Meeting on Tuesday, August 11, 2020. The Regular Meeting begins at 11:30 a.m. The evening portion of this meeting is canceled. The County Commission will hold a COVID-19 discussion at this meeting.
The public may attend virtually through Cox Channel 12,
Facebook, and the County’s
Video on Demand website. For meeting audio-only, call 301-715-8592, and when prompted, use code 670 965 3024. The public may submit comments to the board through email ( or by calling into the public comment message line when prompted to call during the meeting. Public comment will be taken by telephone for all non-ministerial items on which the Commission votes. Once public comment is opened for an item under discussion, please call 929-205-6099 (enter meeting code 273 174 8038). Callers will be put in a queue and prompted when it is their turn to speak.
TO AVOID FEEDBACK, SPEAKERS MUST TURN DOWN THEIR MEETING SOUND WHEN ADDRESSING THE COMMISSION. The Commission will allow up to a total of 30 minutes for citizen comments on each item opened for public comment. In addition, the Commission will open phone lines for one 30-minute public comment session for the public to discuss items not on the Commission agenda. The public is encouraged to submit any written or photographic documents prior to the meeting to
Items of interest include:
- Approve Appointment of “County Resident - Appointed by County Commission” member to the Wild Spaces Public Places (WSPP) Citizens Oversight Board to fill a partial term ending Sept. 30, 2021
- Approve Appointment of “County Resident - Appointed by County Commission” member to the Wild Spaces Public Places (WSPP) Citizens Oversight Board to fill a partial term ending Sept. 30, 2021
- Appoint three Citizen-At-Large members and one Alternate Member to the Alachua County Housing Authority (ACHA) Board of Commissioners
- Appointment of three Full Member vacancies on Arts Council of Alachua County, with a term ending September 30, 2024
- COVID-19 Discussion
- Presentation of the Meridian Behavioral Health Care Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2019-2020
- Housing Resources Mapping Tool
- Fire Service Contract/City of Archer
- Select Either Fabio Pizzol (top ranked) or Janine Ody (tied for second ranked) for CTA 20-945 Call to Artists for Stained Glass Art for UF/IFAS Extension - Alachua County’s New Auditorium Building
- Discussion of potential future pocket parks locations
- Tara St. Augustine Revised Preliminary Development Plan
- ZOM-01-20: A request to rezone approximately 92.28 acres from AP, BW and RP districts to R-2, ML and C-1 districts
- CPA-01-20: A request by eda, agent, for Yadda Property Holdings LLC, owner, to amend the land use designations from Institutional, Warehouse/Distribution and Office to Medium Density Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre), Conservation and Light Industrial on approximately 92.28 acres of land on tax parcel numbers 06233-014-006 and portions of 06233-014-055 and 06233-000-000 located on N.W. 98th Street south of 39th Avenue
For more information, contact Alachua County Communications Director Mark Sexton at 352-264-6979 or