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​​​​​​Water Quality Code

The Alachua County Water Quality Standards and Management Practices Code was originally adopted by the Board of County Commissioners in August of 2002, and has been modified several times since and now includes seven Articles. The code applies county wide and is enforced by the Alachua County Environmental Protection Department.

Only Rain Down the DrainArticle I-Water Quality Code

This section outlines that only stormwater can be discharged to surface waters, stormwater collection systems, and groundwater. Best Management Practices must be used on construction sites to reduce erosion and sedimentation.

Article II- Countywide Wetland Protection Code

This section outlines minimum countywide surface water and wetland protection requirements. View additional information and access the Application Portal for projects within municipalities ​​on this site. ​

Article III- Stormwater Treatment Code

This section outlines requirements for minimizing stormwater pollution from new development. Visit the Stormwater Code.

Article IV Fertilizer Standards and Management Practices

This article regulates the use of landscape fertilizers and requires signage at the point of sale and training for applicators. ​Learn more on the Fertilizer Page.

Article V- Irrigation Conservation Standards and Management Practices

This section outlines when landscape irrigation systems may be operated and maintenance requirements. Find your irrigation day here!

Article VI- Landscape Irrigation Design and Maintenance Standards

This article adopted design standards and an approval process for new or significantly modified irrigation systems. Access our irrigation portal and learn about the Design Code here.

Article VII- Homeowner Association Florida Friendly Landscaping Design Standards

This section prohibits HOAs from prohibiting Florida Friendly Landscaping and from requiring irrigation. Learn how this code may help you make changes in your yard!

Hazardous Materials

Alachua County EPD manages the Alachua County Hazardous Waste Collection Center and rural collection centers where you can dispose of hazardous materials like CFL light bulbs, old paint, broken computers, pharmaceuticals, and old fertilizers. Keeping these items out of our landfills protects our drinking water.

ACEPD also implements the Countywide Hazardous Materials Code to ensure that all hazardous materials and hazardous wastes are properly used, stored and disposed at regulated facilities. This protects our citizens, properties and drinking water.

Clean creeks hotline - 352-264-6800Enforcement

ACEPD staff conducts routine inspections and investigates citizen complaints to protect our water from pollution. In the vast majority of cases, compliance is obtained by providing information, education, and best management practices to the responsible parties. However, in some cases, an enforcement process needs to be initiated and a warning, civil citation, or notice of violation requiring a court appearance is issued. Please help us protect our water by reporting potential illegal discharges and irrigation violations.


ACEPD has various programs for teaching the public how to prevent water pollution:
