Reports and Maps

​​​​​ Maps

The eastern side of Alachua county has an abundance of clays in the soil which results in an abundance of surface waters, as shown in the map below. (Click on the map to enlarge the image). The western part of the county lacks a clay layer, which means the groundwater beneath the surface is vulnerable to pollution that can quickly soak through the porous sands in this area.  Click HERE to learn how you can protect groundwater and springs.

Creeks Reports
Fecal Coliform "Hot Spots"
Gainesville Creeks Status Report
Stream Bioreconnaissance
Investigations of Fecal Coliform "Hot Spots" in Gainesville's Urban Creeks (2008)
This report summarizes various methods that were utilized in an attempt to identify sources of fecal contamination.
Gainesville Creeks Status Report 1998-2003 Orange Creek Basin

This report summarizes six years of data collected in several creeks throughout Alachua County. The report has a chapter for each water body that was included in the study and is a great way to learn about your watershed. 

Stream Bioreconnaissance (2008)

This report discussed in-stream biological data for Alachua County creeks from 2008-2010.

Stormwater and Special Reports
Storm Event Monitoring
Organic Wastewater Contaminants
Outfall Reconnaissance Inventory
Storm Event Monitoring in Gainesville Creeks

This report discusses storm event results for selected streams monitored in 2003 and includes data from water and soil samples.

Organic Wastewater Contaminants including pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) in Treated Wastewater Effluent

This report discusses the results from samples collected from wastewateter treatment plants and Sweetwater Branch.

Outfall Reconnaissance Inventory (2008-2012)

This report discusses efforts to identify and eliminate illicit discharges to the City of Gainesville stormwater collection system between 2008 and 2012.