Advisory Boards

Hello and thank you for your interest in Alachua County Advisory Boards. More than 250 citizens serve on the advisory boards that advise County Government and local agencies on many topics. They include affordable housing, economic development, environmental protection, human rights, County finances and many other topics. A listing of Advisory Boards, their responsibilities, and contact numbers can be found here. Below we have some general information about our Advisory Boards.

Advisory Boards: General Information

All Advisory Board vacancies are advertised on the Alachua County website.

We encourage you to research the various advisory boards and their meeting schedules to determine what time commitment is involved for board members. Typically, advisory boards meet once monthly, and they are open to the public. Attending one of the meetings may assist you in learning more about an advisory board's function.

You may read the Alachua County advisory board policy here​.

You may call the County Manager's Office, at 374-5204, to obtain meeting information.


The Appointment Process

The timeline of when appointments occur varies with the number of vacancies a particular board has and the number of applications received for a specific vacancy.

Typically, we try to have a representative sample of applicants from which the Commission can choose. Therefore, it may be some time between when you submit your application and when it goes before the board to be considered.

Once we are ready to move forward with your application, the Advisory Board Coordinator or the staff liaison will notify you about when the Commission will consider your application.

Appointments are made at Commission meetings, which occur on the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month in Room 209 of the County Administration Building. We invite you to speak on your behalf, but if you cannot attend, we encourage you to e-mail comments to the Commissioners at

If you apply for a board that does not have any vacancies, we will hold your application for one year.

If you are not selected to serve on the advisory board you applied for, we will hold your application for one year and if another vacancy on that same board occurs, we will contact you to see if you would like to be considered.

More Information

If you have questions about a specific Advisory Board, please call the contact number listed in the Board Information and Agendas/Minutes section below.

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