Pollution Prevention

Pollution Prevention Mission
Pollution Prevention Mission

To protect the soil, groundwater, and surface water resources of the State from pollution caused by petroleum fuel product discharges. We carry out this mission through compliance inspection, contamination assessment and remediation oversight, and pollution prevention education.

Pollution Prevention Programs and Services
Pollution Prevention Programs and Services
Petroleum Restoration Program

Pollution Prevention staff manage a State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) funded program for the clean-up of petroleum product contamination in soils and groundwater from old tank sites such as gasoline stations.  Over 200 sites in Alachua, Marion, Clay and Putnam Counties are included in this programs work efforts.

Storage Tank Compliance Program

Pollution Prevention staff manage and perform a FDEP funded program to prevent discharges of petroleum products from underground and above ground fuel tanks through a program of inspection, compliance and enforcement assistance at over 600 regulated storage tank facilities in Alachua, Marion, Clay and Putnam Counties.

Hazardous Waste Collection Program

Pollution Prevention staff staff operate and provide a hazardous waste collection service which provides for the reuse, recycling, and disposal of household and small business hazardous wastes and promotes pollution prevention education and initiatives in Alachua County.

Special Pollution Prevention Initiatives
Special Pollution Prevention Initiatives
Oversight of Cabot-Koppers Superfund Site Remediation

Aachua County staff provides local technical oversight and review of the on-site and offsite environmental sampling and remediation activities associated with the Cabot-Koppers Superfund site.

Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Monitoring

Monitors air quality and air quality issues within Alachua County and tracks the County's efforts in greenhouse gas reduction initiatives.

Cabot Koppers Superfund Site Information
Cabot Koppers Superfund Site Information

Information about the Cabot Koppers Superfund Site including links to documents and history can be found at the folloing link:
Cabot Koppers Site

Asbestos Fact Sheet
Asbestos Fact Sheet

See the Asbestos Fact Sheet for Disposal and Handling Information at the Hazardous Waste Collection Site.
